Tuesday, 24 September 2013

4) design and purpose of television idents

design and purpose of television idents

screen tempo- Television idents are usually on screen from 10 to 15 seconds. All different channel idents have a different tempo. The tempo of the ident can also be based on the show that is about to be viewed, for example if an high action exciting show is about to come on the TV ident would have a fast tempo. The BBC One hippo ident lasts just over ten seconds with a slow tempo and is very suttle. This makes the ident appeal to the target audience.

space and time- Television idents are usually on screen from 10 to 15 seconds. Television idents are shown before a programme starts and are sometimes shown after a programme. Television programmes are shown after every other programme so that the channel can promote themselves as much as they can, but not too much so its over the top. BBC One show this through their idents.

Interaction with viewers-  channel 4 moving city scape ident: This ident is a good example of the ident interacting with the viewers. The channel 4 logo is embedded somewhere during the ident and as the ident plays the viewers have to try and find the ident. This gets the viewers minds active and makes them remember the channel and the channel logo which is the purpose of the ident.

Density of information: 
This is if the television ident gives the viewers good understandable information during the ident. Examples of this would be if the ident gives you information of upcoming tv shows. the ident can also give you good information through pictures and videos such as showing the logo etc. A good example of an ident with a good density of information would be the E4 ident.

information and entertainment LED:
information is weather the ident gives you information such as a voice over letting the viewers know about upcoming programmes. E4 are a good example of having entertainment in their ident because there is always a lot going on which attracts the viewers and makes it fun for them. E4 idents are also very entertaining purely because of the vibrant colours and the randomness of the ident.


branding: branding is how the company present themselves following the theme of the brand logo. companys brand themselves through their idents. They do this by incorporating things such as the logos primary colour which the viewers use to identify the channel. Branding is also done through showing the font used in the logo in the idents. All of this is eye catching to the viewer and allows the viewer to remember and identify the brand. A good company that shows all of this is BBC three.

packaging and re-packaging:  Television idents are also created for the purpose of packaging and repackaging the channel. For example: if there is a change in the branding, identity or even the types of programmes a specific television channel shows, idents can be used to symbolise a change in such things to the audience because idents can be reasonably quickly made to represent the new identity, branding and new programmes that a television channel my now be showing.

marketing: Many different channel companies market their brand in many different ways through their idents. these idents created by different brands are used to make the viewers know what channel they are watching when they see the channel ident. This is called marketing.

identity: the channel identity can be shown by many different ways such as: colour schemes, and through the logo. channels show this through their idents by incorporating the brands primary colour and by showing the brand logo so that the viewers know what channel they are watching. 

scheduling: Tv idents mostly always have scheduling. scheduling is done via voice over. This voiceover informs the audience of what programes are coming up soon and, for example, the voiceover may also announce whether the channel has any new programmes coming onto the channel, and the voiceover will help influence the audience to watch such things by announcing the times and dates of such show. A good channel that do scheduling really well is BBC One.

segmentation within scheduling:   Segmentation within scheduling: Segmentation is the devision in TV channels enabling the channels to focus on one specific genre and audience. These channels are labelled specialist channel airing a more concentrated type of programming. Segmentation also effects the time of day in which certain idents are aired. Idents are also adapted when being broadcasted as bumpers or when in advert time.

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